Green Hydrogen - More than just an opportunity for thought leadership

In the past year, green hydrogen has evolved from a high-profile topic of growing importance to a top issue for companies in the contexts of sustainability.

When the German government passed its Green Hydrogen Strategy in June 2020, the topic reached its peak in the media debate to date. The current report shows that green hydrogen has now not only become a regular part of media coverage but has long since moved from promise to already being reality – green hydrogen has come to stay.  


Our latest analysis now shows which industries have already positioned themselves particularly on the topic of green hydrogen, the development of the topic in public discourse and also identifies the most important influencers and stakeholders. Green hydrogen is consolidating its position as a topic of the future and offers an excellent opportunity for companies to become a visible and credible voice for sustainability and innovation. Learn how you can tap into this potential for your company with these insights. 


How you can benefit


What you will find in the current UNICEPTA insight report

With AI-driven technology and human ingenuity, UNICEPTA analyzed more than 755,000 articles and posts on Green Hydrogen in German and English language. This research provides you with an in-depth look into:

  • Key drivers of publications in the context of Green Hydrogen  
  • The most important influencers and stakeholders driving the public debate 
  • The most visible companies in Germany 

The analysis of public debates with their underlying dynamics and the relevant actors provides you with valuable insights for your communication strategy. Use our insights for your planning now and download the latest report from UNICEPTA.


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